European Society for Pigment Cell Research

European Society for Pigment Cell Research

European Society for Pigment Cell Research

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ESPCR Bulletin
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ESPCR bulletin

ESPCR bulletin Editorial Board


Note: the ESPCR Bulletin was published from March 1987 until December 2012 under the coordination of Ghanem Ghanem

The last issue published of the ESPCR Bulletin was December-2012 (number 74)

Editor: Ghanem Ghanem (Brussels, Belgium)

International Editorial Board:

Markus Böhm (Münster, Germany)

Jan Borovansky (Prague, Czech Republic)

José Carlos García-Borrón (Murcia, Spain)

Marco d'Ischia (Naples, Italy)

Lluís Montoliu (Madrid, Spain)

Renato Morandini (Brussels, Belgium)

Alessandra Napolitano (Naples, Italy)

Mauro Picardo (Rome, Italy)

Marie-Dominique Galibert (Rennes, France)

Last update: September 11, 2013
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