
EuMelaNet is an Interest Group within the European Society of Pigment Cell Research

EuMelaNet stands for European Network for Melanin Research

Realizing the increasing interest in melanins and related biopolymers in Europe and several countries all over the world, in 2009 during the XV ESPCR meeting, held in Muenster, a number of researchers from academic and research institutions decided to implement a research network, the European Network for Melanin Research (EuMelaNet), with the aim of promoting research on melanins and melanogenesis at multidisciplinary level and offering their collective knowledge and expertise to meet the growing demand for new bio-based materials on the part of companies and health institutions.


EuMelaNet members are convinced that melanins and melanogenesis provide unique and largely unexplored opportunities for applied research and technological innovation. Realization of new important advances requires the integration of multidisciplinary approaches and the close cooperation of basic and applied research centres in Europe and all over the world.

Last update: September 11, 2011

Copyright 2011, European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)
