The mission:
-to promote basic research on melanins as
multifunctional biomaterials, to foster exchange of
information and to favour scientific interactions for
the efficient advancement of knowledge;
-to bridge the gap between basic and applied research
in the field of melanogenesis and melanin-type
biopolymers, to accelerate the integration of science
and industry, to develop new effective avenues of
communication with European industries and companies
in order to ‘translate’ fundamental research results
into applications;
-to ensure coordination of research, to ease the flow
of information, to ensure that appropriate, high-quality
and multidisciplinary capability is optimally employed
to support European companies and industry, to
assemble the views and the aims of participating teams
with respect to the need to identify new research
opportunities and to establish specific research
programmes to improve existing technologies or to
develop new melanin-based technologies;
-to provide scientific support, infrastructures and
technical training especially to companies and applied
research centres interested in exploiting melanins and
melanogenesis for practical utility purposes;
-to promote the integration of multidisciplinary
research teams in Europe aimed at technology-oriented
research projects and to ease the transfer of European
know-how and technology to other countries.

-organisation of restricted meetings, colloquia, and
other initiatives
-standardization of products, methods and protocols
-supply of chemicals, including standards and reference
materials, for experimental and practical purposes
-training courses for industry personnel;
-coordination of multidisciplinary research programmes.
EuMelaNet Network organisation,
operation and general rules
EuMelaNet will operate under the aegis of the European
Society for Pigment Cell Research as a special interest
group. It shall not be a separate legal entity, shall
not recruit personnel and shall not have properties or
assets. It can not legally bind or engage members in any
way. EuMelaNet meetings are scheduled on an annual basis
during ESPCR or IPCC meetings.
Network structure
All research partners have the same status within
EuMelaNet. Coordination of the network is only for
practical purposes and does not imply any officer-like
duty. The Network structure and organisation will be
defined and formally approved during the
XVI ESPCR meeting in Cambridge-Hinxton, UK (2010).
Enrollment of members to EuMelaNet is on a scientific
basis and is aimed at covering a broad range of
disciplines and expertise with a view to involving as
many countries as possible. All EuMelaNet members
must be full ESPCR members. Non-European members
which are considered to be knowledgeable and important
for the network aims must be members of ESPCR or of one
of the ESPCR sister societies. Participation to the network implies compliance to the
terms stated in the Agreement formally undersigned by
founding members and by new applicants. In particular,
members shall be responsible for the implementation of
the Network's objectives and should strive to undertake
all actions deemed useful in this regard within the aims
and scope of the Network. They shall promote melanin
research and identify and contact potential industrial
partners in their own countries.
Jointly contracted activities
Although EuMelaNet can not legally bind or engage
members in any way, members will be considered as
privileged partners for any initiative relevant to the
aims and scope of the Network. Following interactions
within the frame of EuMelaNet, one or more members may
decide to enter into joint R&D or other activity with
external partners, for which a financial contract and/or
a secrecy agreement would be required. The terms and
conditions governing such joint activity shall be the
subject of separate agreement between the parties
involved. Though such agreement shall not be bound or
restricted by the terms and conditions of the Network
rules, communication to EuMelaNet members of proposals
for joint contracted activities and dissemination of
open access results is encouraged.