15th ESPCR meeting in Münster (Sep. 20-23, 2009)
Thursday, September 24th, 2009The 15th ESPCR meeting, held in Münster (Germany) during September 20-23, 2009, has just finished. Markus Böhm, his wife Tanja Böhm, and all the members of his lab and collaborators of the University that contributed to the success of this conference must be commended for a fantastic job, bringing together in a charming univeresity city, more than 200 scientists interested in Pigment Cell Biology. All the delegates will remind with sweet memories their participation in the ESPCR 2009 meeting.
In Münster, there was a change in the Officers of the ESPCR. Most importantly, Lionel Larue (Institut Curie, Orsay, France) took the seat of the President of the Society, following the excellent work developed by Mauro Picardo (San Gallicano Research Institut, Rome, Italy) in the previous three years. The new Secretary is Alain Täïeb and the new Treasurer is Lluís Montoliu. Marie-Dominique Galibert, Rosalie Luiten and Robert Kelsh also joined the ESPCR council.
Finally, in Münster also, the ESPCR was formally refounded, after the official registration of the Society as a not-for-profit International Scientific Association, according to the Belge law. This very important event would have not been possible without the most generous, instrumental and crucial work of Ghanem Ghanem (Univ. Libre Brussels), who systematically http://dhuhealthcare.com/accutane-isotretinoin/ followed all the administrative path and eventually managed to achieve this long-awaited goal, namely, the official registration of our Society.