Posts Tagged ‘ESPCR 2009 meeting’

15th ESPCR meeting in Münster (Sep. 20-23, 2009)

Thursday, September 24th, 2009
Markus Böhm and Tanja Böhm

Markus Böhm and Tanja Böhm

The 15th ESPCR meeting, held in Münster (Germany) during September 20-23, 2009, has just finished. Markus Böhm, his wife Tanja Böhm, and all the members of his lab and collaborators of the University that contributed to the success of this conference must be commended for a fantastic job, bringing together in a charming univeresity city, more than 200 scientists interested in Pigment Cell Biology. All the delegates will remind with sweet memories their participation in the ESPCR 2009 meeting.

Mauro Picardo and Lionel Larue

Mauro Picardo and Lionel Larue

In Münster, there was a change in the Officers of the ESPCR. Most importantly, Lionel Larue (Institut Curie, Orsay, France) took the seat of the President of the Society, following the excellent work developed by Mauro Picardo (San Gallicano Research Institut, Rome, Italy) in the previous three years. The new Secretary is Alain Täïeb and the new Treasurer is Lluís Montoliu. Marie-Dominique Galibert, Rosalie Luiten and Robert Kelsh also joined the ESPCR council.

Ghanem Ghanem

Ghanem Ghanem

Finally, in Münster also, the ESPCR was formally refounded, after the official registration of the Society as a not-for-profit International Scientific Association, according to the Belge law. This very important event would have not been possible without the most generous, instrumental and crucial work of Ghanem Ghanem (Univ. Libre Brussels), who systematically followed all the administrative path and eventually managed to achieve this long-awaited goal, namely, the official registration of our Society.

ESPCR 2009 meeting booklet available

Friday, September 11th, 2009
ESPCR 2009 meeting booklet available to download

ESPCR 2009 meeting booklet available to download

The “meeting booklet” of the next ESPCR 2009 meeting (to be held in Münster (Germany), September 20-23, 2009, organized by Markus Böhm) with the entire scientific and social program, plus a number of additional interesting and helpful information has been uploaded and made available from the ESPCR 2009 meeting web page.

Please note that the preregistration deadline for the ESPCR 2009 Meeting will end on September 15, 2009! Please note that on-site registration for the meeting will be more expensive and can be paid cash only (no credit cards or cheques possible).

ESPCR 2009 prefinal meeting programme

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009
ESPCR 2009 meeting, prefinal programme

ESPCR 2009 meeting, prefinal programme

 Interested participants can download a prefinal programme / agenda for the forthcoming ESPCR 2009 meeting, to be held in Münster (Germany), on September 20-23, 2009, organized by Markus Böhm.

ESPCR 2009 meeting: 10 days left for early registration

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009
ESPCR 2009 meeting, Muenster, September 20-23

ESPCR 2009 meeting, Muenster, September 20-23

Dear colleagues,
Dear friends,

It is a pleasure to invite you to the 15th meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR) to be held in Munster, Germany, Sept. 20-23, 2009.

Please visit our congress website for more details on the ESPCR 2009 meeting including the prefinal scientific programme including all invited talks, short oral presentations, and poster titles.

Please note that early registration rates are available only for registrations received by July 31, 2009. Thus, please register early by visiting and submitting the ESPCR 2009 registration form as indicated on the homepage.

We look forward welcoming you in Munster in September 2009!

Yours sincerely,

Markus Bohm -Organizer-

ESPCR 2009 meeting: abstract deadline extended to June 10th

Sunday, May 31st, 2009
ESPCR 2009 meeting

ESPCR 2009 meeting

Dear colleagues, Dear friends,

Upon request from several members of our society, I am happy to inform you that the abstract deadline for the 15th Meeting of the ESPCR, to be held in Münster, Germany, September 20-23, 2009, will be extended to June 10th, 2009.

Until now we have received a very promising number of abstracts indicating that our ESPCR 2009 Meeting will become a stimulating and successful international meeting. By slightly extending the deadline, I hope that this will create more relaxation to all of us for preparation of an abstract. Please note that there
will be also an extra slot for “fresh from the bench abstracts”. These abstracts – although printed the ESPCR 2009 Meeting booklet – however, will be posters only, and they will not be printed in the October 2009 issue of PCMR.

I look forward for your special contribution to the ESPCR 2009 Meeting and to welcome in Münster, Germany, in September 2009!

Best wishes,
Markus Bohm, MD
-Organizer of the ESPCR 2009 Meeting-

ESPCR 2009 Meeting, updated information

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009
ESPCR 2009 meeting

ESPCR 2009 meeting

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee I would like to invite you to the 15th Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR) to be held in Munster, Germany, September 20 – 23, 2009.

Here, you can download a flyer of the ESPCR 2009 Meeting including the latest version of the preliminary scientific program.

A total number of 68 internationally reputed invited speakers and chairs have confirmed their attendance and will give the meeting a unique scientific value.

Please notice the following important time lines:

Only 4 weeks until deadline of abstract submission for 15th ESPCR Meeting!!!

Abstract submission: February 01 – May 31, 2009
Early registration: February 01 – July 31, 2009
Late registration: August 01 – September 15, 2009
On-site registration: September 16 – September 23, 2009

Special registration rates apply for young investigators and ESPCR members. There will also be a limited number of travel grants available for young researchers.

We encourage you to visit our ESPCR 2009 congress homepage for further details on the congress venue, abstract submission, registration, accommodation, and social events.

We look forward for your contribution to the ESPCR 2009 Meeting. Let´s make this congress together with you an outstanding event, both at the scientific and social level.

Yours sincerely,

Markus Bohm
-Organizer of the ESPCR 2009 Meeting
Markus Bohm, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Dermatology
University of Munster

Poster and flyer of the ESPCR 2009 meeting released

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

The Poster and Flyer for the 15th ESPCR 2009 meeting, to be held in Münster (Germany), on September 20-23, 2009, organised by Prof. Markus Böhm, has been released. Additional information can be obtained by checking the ESPCR web, the ESPCR 2009 meeting web and by sending an email to the official ESPCR 2009 meeting email address.