Archive for the ‘publication’ Category

Melanocyte Course and Melanoma Meeting Reports: Reykjavik (Iceland) 21-26 June 2015

Thursday, August 27th, 2015
Students and teachers at the university

Students and teachers at the university

Final Report of the International Course

The international course From Melanocyte Development to Melanoma Therapies – Basic Science and Clinical Applications, occurred at the University of Iceland, in Reykjavik June 21-24, 2015. Major advances in basic research of melanoma have lead to novel treatment options that are making a difference for melanoma patients. However, multiple challenges lie ahead and further progress is necessary, particularly with respect to resistance to the novel therapies. Our course taught the basic biology and development of the melanocyte how these cells are transformed into melanoma, and how the disease is diagnosed and treated. A particular emphasis was on novel therapeutic options and the resistance that arises against the new drugs. Another main issue was to bring together the future leaders in the field with an MD and/or a PhD background.
The course had seven main themes: (i) Introduction to melanocytes and melanoma. (ii) Clinical diagnosis and prognosis, (iii) Histology and histopathology, (iv) Molecular and (epi)genetic techniques, (v) Experimental animals, (vi) High throughput data analysis, and (vii) Therapy, current clinical practice and preclinical advances.
The objective of this course was clearly defined. In recent years, research into melanocytes and melanoma has lead to giant steps in treatment of melanoma patients. The goal of this course was to teach students about the basic biology of melanoma with a particular emphasis on therapeutic options. The students learnt about this rapidly advancing field, and since the students came from both basic and clinical sciences, they learnt from each other in order to advance melanoma diagnosis and therapy in the future.
Hosting the course in Iceland allowed us to bring together European and American students and taught them about the latest advances in the field. This three day course was followed by a three day meeting “Melanoma: from basic science to clinical applications“ ( where leaders in the field will talk about their latest results. This allowed us to include some of the most important players in the field as teachers in the course. This meeting was highly appreciated by the 120 participants.
The success of the course relied on the active contribution of participants who were proactive and participated in all of the events organized including: (i) presentation of their own scientific project with a 8 minutes oral presentation, and (ii) participation in the “career development” workshop during the last day of the course.
The course will have a broad view of the melanocyte lineage, including the establishment of the lineage during embryonic development and the renewal of melanocytes from normal melanocyte stem cells. The similarities between the cellular and molecular mechanisms that occur during development, renewal and melanomagenesis will be explored for further clinical advancement. Lectures on epigenetics, genomics and clinical aspects of melanoma will bring a broader view of the field for the PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and junior scientists attending the course.
Lunches and Dinners were attended by both teachers and students giving opportunities for further discussions and this time was used as round tables.
In figures, 28 students (3 Master students, 17 PhD/MD-PhD students, 4 Post-docs, and 4 MD) with 17 females and 11 males participated to this course. We got a feed-back from the survey of the course from 23 students. These students came from Iceland (8), France (7), North America (4), Sweden (2) and also from UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Holland and Hungary. Overall, they were either satisfied or highly satisfied by this course.
In conclusion, it was a real pleasure for the organizers, the teachers and the students to participate to this course. We are ready to organize a similar course in 2017. The location is still unclear, but an option is taken in Israel.
The organizers : Lionel LARUE, Eirikur STEINGRIMSSON, Thorunn RAFNAR and Colin GODING
Students and teachers at the blue Lagoon

Students and teachers at the blue Lagoon

Final Report of the Melanoma Meeting

The international meeting Melanoma: From Basic Science to Clinical Applications, was held in the Harpa Conference Center and Concert Hall, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 24-26, 2015. Major advances in basic research of melanoma have lead to novel treatment options that are making a difference for melanoma patients. However, multiple challenges lie ahead and further progress is necessary, particularly with respect to resistance to the novel therapies. The meeting covered topics ranging from the basic biology and development of the melanocyte to how these cells are transformed into melanoma, and how the disease is diagnosed and treated. A particular emphasis was to bridge the basic and clinical sciences of melanoma and to span the Atlantic divide by bringing American and European melanoma scientists together. Another main issue was to bring together the future leaders in the field.
The meeting was divided into five sessions: (i-ii) Melanocyte and melanoma development 1a and 1b. (ii) Gene regulation in melanocytes and melanoma, (iii) Cell biology to Pathology, (iv) Pathology to Genomics, (v) Clinical advances. One of the lunch breaks was conducted as a separate session termed Luncheon clinical Update and Current Needs.
The meeting was very successful. First, the speakers gave outstanding talks and ample time was allowed for questions and discussions. Second, the frequent coffee breaks and social events allowed further discussions and interactions. And third, the social events, including the Welcome reception, Conference dinner and the trip to the Blue Lagoon further enhanced interactions and discussions. We have received nothing but praise and adulation for the organization of the meeting, its scientific content, the location in Iceland and the friendly and interactive atmosphere we succeeded in creating.
The meeting was attended by a total of 120 people from 17 different countries. The speakers were from both Europe and the US, 14 females and 22 males. They were both established leading investigators and younger speakers selected from abstracts.
Support for the meeting was obtained from various institutions and companies, including Institut Curie, University of Iceland, ESPCR, PASPCR, The French Embassy in Iceland, the Icelandic Cancer Society, University of Colorado Cancer Center, Provectus, Incyte, Amgen, Metabolon, Lytix biopharma, Viralytics and Bristol Myers Squibb. We thank all these organizations for their generous contributions.
The organizers: Lionel LARUE, Eirikur STEINGRIMSSON, Thorunn RAFNAR, Robert ANDTBACKA, Rene GONZALEZ, Karl LEWIS, Caroline ROBERT and Ze’ev RONAI

@EuSPCR: the new official twitter account for the ESPCR

Sunday, June 21st, 2015
@EuSPCR: the new official twitter account for the ESPCR

@EuSPCR: the new official twitter account for the ESPCR

The European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR) has a new official twitter account: @EuSPCR. Please follow us to stay alert about activities, meetings, courses, workshops, awards, conferences promoted, organized, supported and/or sponsored by the ESPCR.

The 2nd European Days of Albinism (2EDA) will be held in Valencia (Spain) on 5-6 April 2014

Thursday, January 16th, 2014
The 2nd European Days of Albinism (2EDA) will be held in Valencia (Spain) on 5-6 April 2014

The 2nd European Days of Albinism (2EDA) will be held in Valencia (Spain) on 5-6 April 2014

The European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR) is pleased to announce the co-sponsorship of the 2nd European Days of Albinism (2EDA), a conference organized by, ALBA, the Spanish Association in support of people with albinism, together with a scientific committee of researchers and physicians interested in albinism: Benoît Arveiler (Bordeaux, France), Karen Grønskov (Coppenhagen, Denmark), Barbara Käsmann-Kellner (Homburg, Germany), Vittoria Schiaffino (Milan, Italy) and Lluís Montoliu (Madrid, Spain).

At the 2EDA conference researchers, interested in albinism, will gather with patients and their associations, in order to discuss, in parallel, both scientific and social aspects of albinism, exchanging ideas, projects and initiatives, at the European level, with the collaboration of a number of international experts in the field. This 2EDA meeting, organized by ALBA, the Spanish Association in support of people with albinism, follows a previous successful edition, 1EDA, organized by Genespoir, the French Association in support of people with albinism, in Paris in October 2012, also co-sponsored by the ESPCR. The 2EDA meeting is planned over a weekend, 5-6 April 2014, to allow the participation of patients and their families. On the first day (Saturday, 5 April) scientists and members of the associations will meet separately and discuss their own topics and agendas. On the second day (Sunday, 6 April), first half of the morning is devoted to continue the concurrent sessions and, eventually, both scientists and members of the associations will gather together and summarize the topics discussed and the conclusions/recommendations achieved before all delegates. The aim of this conference series is to promote awareness of albinism, to trigger collaborative research projects on albinism, and to facilitate collaborative efforts between the different associations in support of people with albinism existing in Europe and represented at this meeting.

At the 2EDA conference, the invited speakers that have kindly confirmed their attendance, a number of them also members of the IFPCS,  include:

  • Robert Aquaron (Marseille, France)
  • Esteban Dell’Angelica (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
  • Benoît Arveiler (Bordeaux, France)
  • Murray Brilliant (Marshfield, WI, USA)
  • José Carlos García-Borrón (Murcia, Spain)
  • Maria van Genderen (Zeist, The Netherlands)
  • Karen Grønskov (Coppenhagen, Denmark)
  • Michael Hoffmann (Magdeburg, Germany)
  • Barbara Käsmann-Kellner (Homburg, Germany)
  • Herbert Kirchesch (Pulheim, Germany)
  • Valeria Marigo (Modena, Italy)
  • Lucia Mauri (Milan, Italy)
  • Lluís Montoliu (Madrid, Spain)
  • Fanny Morice-Picard (Bordeaux, France)
  • Frank Proudlock (Leicester, UK)
  • Alexandra Rebsam (Paris, France)
  • Vittoria Schiaffino (Milan, Italy)
  • Alain Taïeb (Bordeaux, France)
  • Pedro de la Villa (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain)

Registration at reduced fees will be possible until 15 February, and thereafter, standard registration fees will apply, until 15 March: registration deadline.

For those of you with interest in any aspect related to albinism, thanks for registering and looking forward to meeting you all in the beautiful city of Valencia!

Lluis Montoliu

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 73 (August 2012)

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012
New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 73 (August 2012)

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 73 (August 2012)

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 72 (April 2012)

Monday, April 16th, 2012
New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 72 (April 2012)

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 72 (April 2012)

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 70 (August 2011)

Thursday, July 28th, 2011
New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 70 (August 2011)

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 70 (August 2011)

Melanins and Melanosomes, edited by J. Borovansky and P.A. Riley, Wiley-2011.

Saturday, July 9th, 2011
Melanins and Melanomes, Borovansky & Riley (eds.), Wiley 2011

Melanins and Melanomes, Borovansky & Riley (eds.), Wiley 2011

A new book has been published on Pigment Cell Biology. The book is entitled “Melanins and Melanosomes: Biosynthesis, Biogenesis, Physiological, and Pathological Functions“, has been edited by Jan Borovansky and Patrick A. Riley, and published by Wiley (2011). Both Patrick Riley and Jan Borovanskly are ESPCR Honorary members. The chapters have been prepared by world-known experts in the field of Pigment Cell Biology, most of them are members of the IFPCS, through any of its affiliated sister societies.

Table of contents:

  • Chapter 1: History of Melanosome Research (Jan Borovansky).
  • Chapter 2: Classical and Nonclassical Melanocytes in Vertebrates (Sophie Colombo, Irina Berlin, Veronique Delmas, and Lionel Larue).
  • Chapter 3: Biological Chemistry of o-Quinones (Patrick A. Riley, Christopher A. Ramsden, and Edward J. Land).
  • Chapter 4: Biosynthesis of Melanins (Jose Carlos Garcia-Borron and M. Concepcion Olivares Sanchez).
  • Chapter 5: Inhibitors and Enhancers of Melanogenesis (Alain Taieb, Muriel Cario-Andre, Stefania Briganti, and Mauro Picardo).
  • Chapter 6: Structure of Melanins (Shosuke Ito, Kazumasa Wakamatsu, Marco d’Ischia, Alessandra Napolitano, and Alessandro Pezzella).
  • Chapter 7: Properties and Functions of Ocular Melanins and Melanosomes (Małgorzata Rozanowska).
  • Chapter 8: Biological Role of Neuromelanin in the Human Brain and Its Importance in Parkinson’s Disease (Kay L. Double, Wakako Maruyama, Makoko Naoi, Manfred Gerlach, and Peter Riederer).
  • Chapter 9: Biogenesis of Melanosomes (Cedric Delevoye, Francesca Giordano, Michael S. Marks, and Graca Raposo).
  • Chapter 10: Transport and Distribution of Melanosomes (Mireille Van Gele and Jo Lambert).
  • Chapter 11: Genetics of Melanosome Structure and Function (Vincent J. Hearing).
  • Chapter 12: Physiological and Pathological Functions of Melanosomes (Jan Borovansky and Patrick A. Riley).
  • Chapter 13: Dysplastic Nevi as Precursor Melanoma Lesions (Stanislav Pavel, Nico P.M. Smit, and Karel Pizinger).

IFPCS Members are entitled to a 25% discount on books published by Wiley

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 69 (April 2011)

Friday, April 8th, 2011
New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 69 (April 2011)

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 69 (April 2011)

New: register for hardcopy annual PCMR subscription from ESPCR any time during the year

Saturday, January 8th, 2011
New: register for printed annual PCMR subscription any time during the year!

New: register for printed annual PCMR subscription any time during the year!

New: now, starting in January 2011, it is still possible to register and request for hardcopy annual Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research (PCMR) subscription through ESPCR any time during the year, extending the previous announced deadline, established on December 31st. The IFPCS has extended this possibility thereby making possible to register, pay and receive printed issues of the PCMR journal throughout the year. Please visit the updated JOIN/RENEW web page and select your new registration/renewal with (+additional 70 Euros, on the top of the standard ESPCR annual membership fee) or without hardcopy subscription to PCMR. Please contact the ESPCR Treasurer  at in case of any doubt, comment or question.

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 68 (December 2010)

Friday, December 10th, 2010

New ESPCR Bulletin published, nº 69 (December 2010)