Archive for the ‘mouse pictures’ Category

Color Genes WEB

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008
Color Genes WEB

Color Genes WEB

The WEB page that contains the most updated information about COLOR GENES has changed its name to better reflect the wide variety of loci involved in pigmentation, including some that do not affect or involve coat color. Therefore, the old name of “Coat Color Genes” has been updated to COLOR GENES. This WEB page is available from the ESPCR WEB site.

Coat Color Genes WEB updated

Sunday, August 10th, 2008
Coat Color Genes WEB
Coat Color Genes WEB

The Coat Color Genes WEB has been updated. 79 new loci have been added as cloned and uncloned pigmentary genes. This site, hosted at the ESPCR WEB, now holds information of 210 genes that are directly or indirectly related to pigmentation, and also includes up to 84 mouse pictures, generously contributed by several ESPCR members and colleagues, illustrating the phenotype of some of these mutations.

This WEB is maintained by Lluis Montoliu and Dot Bennett and it is actively being updated with additional loci involved in pigmentation. If you are interested in coat color genes we suggest you to visit regularly the coat color genes web site and look for the most updated information. If you have any suggestion, comment, contribution, correction, idea, request, etc… regarding the coat color genes web please forward your message to:
Thanks for your collaboration!